Networking with Ukrainian IT, Political and Volunteer scene

Rebuilding Ukraine = rebuilding Europe. And the process has already started.

Julia and Olya from Chernihiv, Ukraine, but also Vitaliy who lives in Freiburg for over a year now, are going to introduce you to the current situation in Ukraine, and spicily in the town Chernihiv. In the last years, Ukraine become one of the main growing IT sectors in Europe. Even Microsoft was planing to build a huge hub in the center of Kyiv. Unfortunate, due to the situation of war, it will take a while to start making this kind of plans and acting on them. But still the professionals are still there, some of those brave women and men are fighting, a lot of them are working hard and looking for new partners in the west. We will talk about the political situation, the needs of the people in war, but also what a collaboration has to offer both sides, there is also a lot to gain for you. By the end of the talk, we have established a link from Freiburg to Chernihiv and helped you to have a better understanding and prognosis on this topic.


Founding new partners and collaborators. Helping to make a bright by simple picture of the war and business situation in Ukraine.

You are a company in the process of finding a team for your digital project. You want to help and learn more about Ukraine. Furthermore, you just want to hear the story from the source. Then you are very welcome.

Julia Dayneko - For more than 12 years, I have been creating and developing technology teams, implementing a culture of openness and trust as a foundation for potential development and the best results of an interaction.

Olya Rys - Volunteering was one of the major parts of my life in the last few years. The needs have changed, but there is more work to do than before. As a team member of the IT-Cluster in Chernihiv, my mane goal it to help IT companies attract new employees and shape the community of the Chernihiv IT-sector.

Vitaliy Rizenko - In time of war you need bridges, those are people like me, shifting trough cultures, languages and places, but still being the same person with the ability to connect. I believe we need dialogue, collaboration and agile thinking now more than ever. This is why I work as an agile consultant, to help people in companies to find their unique dialect. But also I put the mantel of a business developer to help Ukrainian companies find a door to the DACH market space and for the German speakers to have a taste of Ukrainian values and working spirit, realizing both have a lot in common. 


Referent: Julia, Olya & Vitaly
Ansprechpartnerin: Leonie Sterzenbach 
Teilnahmegebühr: kostenlos
Veranstaltungsort: online oder Grünhof Standort Augustinerplatz, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau



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