U.Lab mini Hub Freiburg
A small group of people in Grünhof will participate in the six-week course called U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self. Delivered by MITx free of charge through the online platform edX (co-founded by MIT and Harvard in 2012), this Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will prototype a new 21st-century university model, one that offers a hybrid online/real-world learning environment, with the goal of sparking a global web of interconnected hubs, inspiring initiatives, and grounding learning locally in places where societal challenges are manifest. - See more at:
Personal registration for the MOOC:
At Grünhof we will meet in a small group for the three live sessions and learn together by having some time before and after the live sessions. We invite you to learn with us.
For taking part in our mini-Hub please write us an Email (jonathan at gruenhof dot org) explaining why you want to take part in this mini Hub with us. Be aware that you will have to be able to commit to be present at all three live sessions one hour before and one hour afterwards (14.01.2015, 14:00-17:00 / 28.01.2015 14:00-17:00 / 11.02 14:00-17:00). We only have a few spaces left. Here our
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Diese Verastaltung hat am 14.01.15 stattgefunden.
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