
Code analysis can have many benefits to the quality and maintainability of source code. Many languages have linters to automatically check if coding best practices have been met and there are also tools that check for unused code, duplication and other types of code smell. The coala project ( aims to provide a unified interface to all code analysis tools for all languages. Configure all code analysis for all languages used in your project in one file and execute them all through a unified interface both locally and in your continuous integration environment. Your favorite language is not supported yet? No problem! coala is written in Python. You just need about 100 lines of code to wrap most linting tools and use them through coala. The coala community is a thriving example for a great open source community. We have many contributors from all around the world and aim to be very welcoming to newcomers. This is achieved with a detailed newcomers process, which teaches people how to contribute to an open source project. Referent: Niklas Meinzer RSVP here
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