
#IAmRemarkable is a global movement that empowers everyone to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

The #IamRemarkable is an initiative that started inside Google and got expanded externally due to its success in empowering women and underrepresented groups to speak about their accomplishments in the workplace and beyond. As part of Women's month, this is an invitation for everyone who identifies with this.


The workshop aims to change the social perceptions around self-promotion, and give you an opportunity to improve on those skills!

Breaking the bias
Imposter syndrome. Stereotypes. Culture. For many reasons, lots of us feel uncomfortable sharing our achievements. By amplifying stories and research on the transformative power of self-promotion, we want to inspire every single person to share their accomplishments.

During the 90 minute workshop, you will learn the importance of self-promotion in your personal and professional life and be equipped with tools to develop this skill.

1. Lift the motivation and skills of self promotion for underrepresented groups
2. Challenge the social perception around self promotion

Über die Workshop Gastgeberin
Josephine Hubert ist bei Salesforce im Bereich Change Management und Training tätig.
Als #IAmRemarkable Facilitatorin hat sie bereits zahlreiche Workshops für ein vielfältiges Publikum auf drei verschiedenen Kontinenten gegeben. Zum ersten Mal bietet Josephine, selbst Grünhof Mitglied, einen #IAmRemarkable Workshop für die Grünhof Community (auf English oder Deutsch) an.




Referentin: Grünhof-Mitglied Josephine Hubert
Ansprechpartnerin: Leonie Sterzenbach 
Teilnahmegebühr: Für Grünhof-Mitglieder kostenlos
Anmeldung bis zum 15. März erforderlich.
Begrenzte Teilnehmendenzahl
Veranstaltungsort: Kreativpark Lokhalle Freiburg, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 7, 79106 Freiburg im Breisgau

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