Social Innovation Lab
Social challenges can be solved! That's why our Social Innovation Lab supports established social pioneers and startups with suitable innovation programs, free coworking spaces, expert consultions and engaging workshops. Furthermore we have many experienced friends, helpful partners and therefore access to a large network. Want to learn more? Check our website for more informations!
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Our Programs

Our startup and innovation program for early-stage social ideas! We understand this as the incubation of creative concepts and new services for and with people. Under our guidance, your idea will go through an intensive process, in which you will examine your vision again from every angle to create a sustainable and impactful solution that the world really needs! Once a year we open our call for proposals for this program.

Our offering for established social organizations! The Sozionauten is a 9-month innovation program for the social sector in cooperation with the LIGA der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege BW. Member organizations of the LIGA collaborate across associations to develop new solutions for current social challenges. Knowledge transfer, synergy and collaboration are guaranteed!

Our D-Care Lab BW is breaking new ground as the first innovation program where diverse teams work together to develop new innovative ideas for outpatient care and supply concepts for Baden-Württemberg! It is a joint effort by Grünhof e.V. and Diakonie Baden-Württemberg.

Our Impact Skills workshop series offers topic-based workshops for established social organizations or “grown-up” social startups, which can be book individually and as needed. The workshops deepen and expand the content from our existing innovation programs and convey concrete methods, knowledge and inspiration.

If you have an idea for a social entrepreneurship startup and aim to make a positive impact without purely chasing profits, we are the right people to contact. We provide up to 8 hours of free orientation advice to support you on your journey toward becoming an independent entrepreneur.

POSITIVE stands for Participatory Open Social Innovation Through Interlinking Valuable Ecosystems. It is all about bridging the gap between social and technical innovation ecosystems. This project is running until the end of 2024 and is funded by the European Union as part of the Horizon Europe program. The Steinbeis European Center is acting as project coordinator.